Sunday, January 11, 2009


No reason to get worked up over hudud, let us respect each other’s faith

Jumaat, 9 Januari 2009

Muslims must be given room to discuss how best they want to develop their religion without politicians or the BN-controlled press jumping into the fray and exploiting the issue against the Pakatan

By SK English Team

KeADILan information chief Tian Chua has called for greater religious understanding and respect, following the recent spate of debates over the suitability of implementing hudud in multi-racial Mala

“In a plural society, we must learn to respect each other,” Tian said. “While we want non-Muslim rights and freedom of belief to be respected, we must also respect Muslims for practising their faith.”

“There must be enough room for Muslims to discuss and explore how best their faith can be practiced without politicians or the press exploiting the issue and creating social tensions.”

DAP chairman Karpal Singh had yesterday asked if Opposition Leader Anwar …

(Berita ini diambil dari Sauara Keadialan, 11 Januari 2009)

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